Sunday, August 16, 2009


So I've returned from my trip to Seattle! Overall, it was an excellent trip. There was far too much hooliganism than I'm used to here in Colorado, but I had fun. Mostly Grant and I stayed on the island, only venturing into the city on a couple of occasions. My hair appointment was wonderful; Lish is a great woman and a lot of fun to be around. While it was long overdue, I found that the tidiness into which she forced my loose hairs didn't last very long. By the next night I was noticing the little fuzzies popping out. I'm sure most of that was due to my excessive pillow burrowing.

Grant and I spent the week catching up, smoking hookah, and generally being bums. There was lots of youtube watching, lots of drunk song singing, and much facebook stalking. I met many of his friends and was pleased to introduce him to one of mine, Roy. I believe I mentioned Roy in my previous post; he's one of my oldest friends. I had the pleasure of flying him out to Seattle and showing him around for a few days. He partook in many of our shenanigans and inspired many of his own. I introduced him to falafal and The Stars. We rode on the ferry as often as possible and exchanged gushy promises about the future. After a particularly stressful day, we even indulged in a classy dinner at the Space Needle! I took some video to potentially kick off my vlog, but it may not be posted.

So now I'm 17 days away from my flight. I'm beginning to accumulate the necessary body care items I'll be bringing (10 months worth of vitamins, face wash, and moisturizer is not only expensive but really effing heavy!). I'm getting concerned that it won't all fit into my one suitcase. Consequently I'm thinking about taking two bags. What sort of a diva does that make me, if I need an entire suitcase for my shampoo and conditioner? We'll see. I may have to sacrifice convenience for more suitcase room. Perhaps my mother can mail me a five month supply once I get settled in. Also, taking school supplies will be spacious. I was never able to find an appropriate office supply store while I was in Turkey before. I'm going to bring some of my own and hope to find the rest somewhere! So what is really happening is this: I'm compromising my limited luggage room by bringing lots of toiletries and school supplies. Will I be able to pack everything I think I need without having to pay for any extra weight? Will I have to take two bags or have a package sent midway through the year?

Ramadan is coming up in less than a week (approximately). I tried to fast last year, but between full time work and full time school, I found myself starved and weak. I'll try again this year and hope it goes more smoothly. Since I'll be traveling, I won't be required to stick with the fast for at least two days. We'll see how it goes. What was one year an amazing experience ended up being terrible the next. I hear it's been really hot in Istanbul, so it might be really difficult. Long, hot days and not eating or drinking? Sounds like trouble!

I don't know what else to say! I want to try to pack my suitcase early to make sure I can fit what I need. Now that airlines are charging for everything, I want to be prepared!

1 comment:

  1. I'm interested in seeing those videos now that I cleaned up my facebook a little. That was an excellent week.


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