Friday, March 26, 2010

no more excuses

I ought to take my own advice here; I ought to stop making excuses for my extreme lack of adventure! With Spring Break coming up, I have a great opportunity to do some exploring. I have almost three weeks with no school (just two midterms)! Most of the other exchange students here have planned some grand adventure.. maybe I'll try to tag along.

The package from my mother finally arrived. It can be so hard to get organized and motivated sometimes; it took her almost two months to send me this box. I finally got it last week, on the same day we set up our home internet AND purchased a lovely new table. Needless to say, it was a great day. My mom sent some junk food treats (Boulder Chips!) and some lovely socks from Target, as well as a scarf for Kaan and some cute office supplies. Regardless of how impractical or little the gifts are, it's always nice to get a package from someone full of things that make you smile. Although I don't need a pink stapler, it was definitely my favorite part of the box! So, thanks mom, for knowing just how to make my day.

Along with this "no more excuses" post, I have to admit that, now with internet at home, I have no excuse to not update. I know I'll find something resembling an excuse (a lack of anything interesting to say, perhaps!), but I'll definitely have more frequent updates. It can be really hard to sit down and think your life into blog posts, without making stupid updates about what you ate for lunch. I have a habit of posting insignificant details like that on my personal blog; I'm working hard to avoid it here!

One of my projects for over break is to take more photos. I'm eager to show off my neighborhood and life here in Istanbul. Also, I have to write a little paper about it for my Turkish class. So perhaps I'll post a little bit here. My darling friend Kyle puts me to shame with his frequent, informative blog updates! He's had such a wonderful array of trips and experiences; I have total blog envy. If I remember next time, I'll post a link to some of my favorite posts of his.

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