Saturday, October 24, 2009

well hello strangers

Yes, I do realize it's been at least 10 days since I wrote, and yes, I'm sorry about that! My good friend Evrim has reminded and gently encouraged me to write today, so here I am.

The sad part is that I have no real news. School is generally going well. We have midterms coming up in about a week and a half. Since I only have one or two midterms, I'm not worrying about those at all. I probably should get down to studying and such.

I wish I had some good stories about the wedding to tell, but I didn't end up going. I was really excited to go. I was even excited about the twenty hour bus ride! But on the morning of the trip, I was spending more time in the toilet than I was packing. I decided if I wasn't feeling better by 11, then I wouldn't try to embark on the trip. We were concerned that if I needed to yak (or worse!) we wouldn't be able to stop. Bus trips in Turkey only get a 15- or 20-minute break every few hours. It's probably very similar to bus trips in the States, but since I haven't ever taken a bus in the states, I don't rightly know.

So anyway, 11:00 came and went. I still wasn't feeling much better. We grudgingly decided that I wouldn't go. Instead of having a grand, uncomfortable adventure in the east of Turkey, I spent my weekend bawling and watching movies. I did end up deciding I need to locate a pirated DVD shop pronto; although I brought a great selection of movies with me, I've seen them all plenty of times. Plus, with pirated DVDs, Kaan and I can watch them together since they've got Turkish subtitles AND will play on my region one DVD player.

Other than feeling like a pathetic lump for most of the weekend and being generally upset at missing the wedding, I guess it was an okay couple of days. Kaan had some trouble getting home afterward (and his cousin ended up deleting the entire memory card of the camera, which had apparently been filled with photos and videos of the wedding). The buses weren't running, the money wasn't enough, the plane wasn't at the airport.. it was a problematic return leg for him. He did finally come back home, so things are more or less back to normal.

We've more or less settled into a routine. He gets up around 7:30 to get ready for work. Depending on the day, I either go to school or back to bed. After school, I generally come to the cafe for a couple of hours. If I don't have school, I head to the cafe for a couple of hours. Then I either head out to spend time with friends, or I return home. At home, before Kaan returns from work, I do some housewifey things (my mother would be so surprised!). I make the bed, clean the dishes, and pick up around the house. It's really a strange thing for me; my parents can attest to my general dislike of all things clean and organized. But somehow, living with Kaan is reason enough to take care of things. I think it's fair; he spends so much time working that it doesn't seem unreasonable to do my share of things at home. If only I had come to this conclusion years ago; my father would have been a much happier person overall.

I'm beginning correspondence with the Ankara embassy regarding a visa for Kaan. Wish us luck for that!

I think that's all I have to say. I really haven't been doing anything lately that might be considered worthy of a blog entry, but I am still alive and kickin'. Tomorrow I have plans to visit the market with a couple of friends from school. However, as I don't intend on buying anything, it'll most likely be more for the company than anything.

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